Reframing Yeats : Genre, Allusion and History
Author(s): Charles I. Armstrong
Reframing Yeats, the first critical study of its kind, uses a focus on genre and allusion to engage with a broad range of W. B. Yeats's writings, examining instances of his poetry, autobiographical writings, criticism, and drama.
Identifying a schism in recent Yeatsian criticism between biographical and formalist methodologies, Armstrong's study combines an historicist perspective with close attention to literary form. The result is a flexible approach that casts new light on how Yeats's texts interact with their interpretative frameworks.
Cognizant of both literary and political history, this book presents new interpretations of Yeats's work. Not only does it provide fresh readings of texts such as "The Municipal Gallery Re-visited," "Among School Children" and "The Resurrection", but it also raises important new questions concerning Yeats's relationship to Modernism and literary genre.
“Chapters focus on Yeats's essays, autobiographical writing, and poetry and plays, breaking new ground in Yeats scholarship, nudging Yeats out of familiar contexts and into neglected frameworks. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty.” —J. S. Baggett, Lander University, CHOICE
“Chapters focus on Yeats's essays, autobiographical writing, and poetry and plays, breaking new ground in Yeats scholarship, nudging Yeats out of familiar contexts and into neglected frameworks. Summing Up: Highly recommended.” —CHOICE
ISBN: 9781474222853