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America: Unite or Die : How to Save Our Democracy
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America: Unite or Die
Author(s): Douglas E. Schoen, Carly Cooperman
AMERICA: UNITE OR DIE is a real-time analysis of why American Democracy is crumbling and why both sides – Republicans and Democrats – are responsible for its collapse. This is the first objective, nonpartisan analysis of what has happened, and most importantly, explains what we can do to avoid impending doom for our system, and most of all, our nation.
America is the only country in the history of the world founded on an idea—and that idea is liberty. It’s an idea that resulted in the most flourishing citizenry in human history, but today that idea is under attack, not just from foreign adversaries but from within as the extreme right of the Republican Party and extreme left of the Democratic Party move further and further apart.
These dangerous, corrosive positions pose a serious threat to the foundations of American democracy as we now face:
· A political class that has lost touch with mainstream America.
· Public loss of trust in the institutions of democracy.
· The rise and mobilization of extremism on the right and left, both threatening violence.
· The rise of social media, websites, and cable TV news that splinters audiences and creates alternate realities.
· Inequality of opportunity that creates a two-tiered society of haves and have-nots.
· Anti-democratic regimes ruling China and Russia that threaten freedom around the world.
In an era of growing distrust, demonization, and hatred, as we live America’s tragic ‘Tale of Two Cities,’ our most inspired turn is to embrace the idea engendered in a true symbol of American democracy: the mighty woman with a torch, ‘the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World’: “Give me your tired, your poor/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”.
When citizens who work hard and play by the rules believe they have no shot at the American Dream — or conclude that the American values, identity, and the principles they grew up with are vanishing — a giant question mark hangs over the future of our democracy. If we hope to preserve our democracy, both sides must start by reaffirming their belief in the democratic principles of America so they can move from the fringes to the moderate middle-of-the-road positions that millions of Americans embrace. AMERICA: UNITE OR DIE is an inspired plan to turn the Divided States of America into the Reunited State of America.
“America: Unite or Die is a must-read for anyone interested in politics and governing or in the current dysfunction of our political system. Douglas Schoen and Carly Cooperman are great scholars and practitioners of American politics. They are two of the country's finest pollsters and strategists who have seen it all—from advising presidents in the White House to analyzing the voters in the precincts across America. The polarization in this country today is explained clearly. Every citizen who cares about this extraordinary country of ours should read this book and be enlightened about what's going on around them.”
—Ed Rollins, former assistant to President Reagan for political and governmental affairs, and former co-chairman to the National Republican Congressional Committee
"If you care about politics in America, this is the book for you!"
"As we, the Divided States of America, work towards becoming the Reunited States of America, AMERICA: Unite or Die is a critical roadmap that shows us how to get there together, achieving a bipartisan unity that is urgently needed today."
"America: Unite or Die is a must-read for anyone interested in politics and governing or in the current dysfunction of our political system. Douglas Schoen and Carly Cooperman are great scholars and practitioners of American politics. They are two of the country's finest pollsters and strategists who have seen it all—from advising presidents in the White House to analyzing the voters in the precincts across America. The polarization in this country today is explained clearly. Every citizen who cares about this extraordinary country of ours should read this book and be enlightened about what's going on around them."
Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership (2019)
"At a moment when chaos and disequilibrium seem to define politics and statecraft around the globe, Schoen has given us not only a way to understand how we got here, but also a prescription for how we find our way back to a more perfect union and a calmer world. A seasoned veteran of political combat, he has advised presidents, prime ministers, governors, and mayors for decades. In his newest book, Collapse, he gives us a roadmap for a new north star for global stability. During these anxious times, Schoen helps us imagine a path toward a more hopeful future. Part professor, part hard-nosed political adviser, Schoen is the perfect tutor at the perfect time."
Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership (2019)
"This is a bracing, authoritative, and lucid account of the geopolitical crisis that is now afoot in the world and the need for clear-sighted, moral American leadership on the world stage. Schoen explains in an engaging, highly readable manner how the twentieth-century international alliances and pillars of Western democracy have been eroded–and surveys the rising threats posed by authoritarianism, extremist Islam, and other challenges. However, he does not succumb to defeatism; instead, he appeals for a new type of American leadership known as ‘assertive democratic idealism,’ arguing that this could and should be supported by Democrats and Republicans alike. At a time when so much of the debate about domestic and global politics is deeply polarized, this vision of ‘assertive democratic idealism’ offers a welcome bipartisan call to arms, in the cause of common-sense policymaking–and is precisely the type of sensible, clear-headed analysis which is so badly needed in Washington today."
Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership (2019)
"A remarkably comprehensive analysis of the challenges–internal and external–that we face today. Schoen is able to write intelligently about domestic and international issues alike, weaving them into one worrisome picture of the world. But Schoen ends up, like the man he worked for, Bill Clinton, optimistic about America’s ability to help the world out of the gloom and into broader sunlit uplands. Well worth reading."
America in the Age of Trump: Opportunities and Oppositions in an Unsettled World (2017)
"Page after page, I found myself arguing with this book, but it was a good argument to have. America in the Age of Trump is a terrific read, engaging and richly sourced, a provocative take on big, controversial issues and on political leaders from Obama to Trump—and nearly everyone else in between. It is especially powerful regarding the loss of trust in institutions. You may disagree with some or much of it, as I do, but it will challenge you to think critically about your own views and justify your idea of the American future."
ISBN: 9781682451885
Author(s): Douglas E. Schoen, Carly Cooperman
AMERICA: UNITE OR DIE is a real-time analysis of why American Democracy is crumbling and why both sides – Republicans and Democrats – are responsible for its collapse. This is the first objective, nonpartisan analysis of what has happened, and most importantly, explains what we can do to avoid impending doom for our system, and most of all, our nation.
America is the only country in the history of the world founded on an idea—and that idea is liberty. It’s an idea that resulted in the most flourishing citizenry in human history, but today that idea is under attack, not just from foreign adversaries but from within as the extreme right of the Republican Party and extreme left of the Democratic Party move further and further apart.
These dangerous, corrosive positions pose a serious threat to the foundations of American democracy as we now face:
· A political class that has lost touch with mainstream America.
· Public loss of trust in the institutions of democracy.
· The rise and mobilization of extremism on the right and left, both threatening violence.
· The rise of social media, websites, and cable TV news that splinters audiences and creates alternate realities.
· Inequality of opportunity that creates a two-tiered society of haves and have-nots.
· Anti-democratic regimes ruling China and Russia that threaten freedom around the world.
In an era of growing distrust, demonization, and hatred, as we live America’s tragic ‘Tale of Two Cities,’ our most inspired turn is to embrace the idea engendered in a true symbol of American democracy: the mighty woman with a torch, ‘the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World’: “Give me your tired, your poor/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”.
When citizens who work hard and play by the rules believe they have no shot at the American Dream — or conclude that the American values, identity, and the principles they grew up with are vanishing — a giant question mark hangs over the future of our democracy. If we hope to preserve our democracy, both sides must start by reaffirming their belief in the democratic principles of America so they can move from the fringes to the moderate middle-of-the-road positions that millions of Americans embrace. AMERICA: UNITE OR DIE is an inspired plan to turn the Divided States of America into the Reunited State of America.
“America: Unite or Die is a must-read for anyone interested in politics and governing or in the current dysfunction of our political system. Douglas Schoen and Carly Cooperman are great scholars and practitioners of American politics. They are two of the country's finest pollsters and strategists who have seen it all—from advising presidents in the White House to analyzing the voters in the precincts across America. The polarization in this country today is explained clearly. Every citizen who cares about this extraordinary country of ours should read this book and be enlightened about what's going on around them.”
—Ed Rollins, former assistant to President Reagan for political and governmental affairs, and former co-chairman to the National Republican Congressional Committee
"If you care about politics in America, this is the book for you!"
"As we, the Divided States of America, work towards becoming the Reunited States of America, AMERICA: Unite or Die is a critical roadmap that shows us how to get there together, achieving a bipartisan unity that is urgently needed today."
"America: Unite or Die is a must-read for anyone interested in politics and governing or in the current dysfunction of our political system. Douglas Schoen and Carly Cooperman are great scholars and practitioners of American politics. They are two of the country's finest pollsters and strategists who have seen it all—from advising presidents in the White House to analyzing the voters in the precincts across America. The polarization in this country today is explained clearly. Every citizen who cares about this extraordinary country of ours should read this book and be enlightened about what's going on around them."
Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership (2019)
"At a moment when chaos and disequilibrium seem to define politics and statecraft around the globe, Schoen has given us not only a way to understand how we got here, but also a prescription for how we find our way back to a more perfect union and a calmer world. A seasoned veteran of political combat, he has advised presidents, prime ministers, governors, and mayors for decades. In his newest book, Collapse, he gives us a roadmap for a new north star for global stability. During these anxious times, Schoen helps us imagine a path toward a more hopeful future. Part professor, part hard-nosed political adviser, Schoen is the perfect tutor at the perfect time."
Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership (2019)
"This is a bracing, authoritative, and lucid account of the geopolitical crisis that is now afoot in the world and the need for clear-sighted, moral American leadership on the world stage. Schoen explains in an engaging, highly readable manner how the twentieth-century international alliances and pillars of Western democracy have been eroded–and surveys the rising threats posed by authoritarianism, extremist Islam, and other challenges. However, he does not succumb to defeatism; instead, he appeals for a new type of American leadership known as ‘assertive democratic idealism,’ arguing that this could and should be supported by Democrats and Republicans alike. At a time when so much of the debate about domestic and global politics is deeply polarized, this vision of ‘assertive democratic idealism’ offers a welcome bipartisan call to arms, in the cause of common-sense policymaking–and is precisely the type of sensible, clear-headed analysis which is so badly needed in Washington today."
Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership (2019)
"A remarkably comprehensive analysis of the challenges–internal and external–that we face today. Schoen is able to write intelligently about domestic and international issues alike, weaving them into one worrisome picture of the world. But Schoen ends up, like the man he worked for, Bill Clinton, optimistic about America’s ability to help the world out of the gloom and into broader sunlit uplands. Well worth reading."
America in the Age of Trump: Opportunities and Oppositions in an Unsettled World (2017)
"Page after page, I found myself arguing with this book, but it was a good argument to have. America in the Age of Trump is a terrific read, engaging and richly sourced, a provocative take on big, controversial issues and on political leaders from Obama to Trump—and nearly everyone else in between. It is especially powerful regarding the loss of trust in institutions. You may disagree with some or much of it, as I do, but it will challenge you to think critically about your own views and justify your idea of the American future."
ISBN: 9781682451885